Unsettling, toxic, and traumatizing relationships have dominated my past experiences. It has left me with a heavy burden of resentment, depression, disappointment, and a mourning for the parts of me I have lost. I am processing the way I look at the world now. I am cynical, but I still see so much beauty in the world around me.
A history of violence and power has stripped the country of Cambodia of much of its innocence. As I search for my identity now, I see a reflection of myself in this land.
Unsettling, toxic, and traumatizing relationships have dominated my past experiences. It has left me with a heavy burden of resentment, depression, disappointment, and a mourning for the parts of me I have lost. I am processing the way I look at the world now. I am cynical, but I still see so much beauty in the world around me.
A history of violence and power has stripped the country of Cambodia of much of its innocence. As I search for my identity now, I see a reflection of myself in this land.